Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 1 Norco Rehabilitation Center

DAY 1:
OCTOBER 2, NORCO Starbucks with Chaplain Teddy.
Met with my favorite chaplain to talk about out plans for the class at the Norco men's facility. Stumbled through defining our program - need to work that out- and figured out timelines. We had already emailed a few times in the past first when he was hinting if I would like to come to his new location and later again when I started OTIS and knew an opportunity might come up. Teddy has some specific goals for the class, including paintings that could be shown at the Norco facility and potentially sold for fundraising purposes. We can start with this and then bring in lots of options of to open up the idea of what art is, what can it be, how can we do it together and have it serve a common purpose like bringing awareness, informing the public, making a political statement and most importantly, having a voice and sharing it with the community. Exited about what it could all turn out to be .......

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